Saturday, November 10, 2012

A sketch of our installation for World Architecture Day (left) and an imaginary cup of hot chocolate.

Friday, November 9, 2012

I've decided I'll keep this blog. I've been using blogger for as long as I can remember and don't recall having any problems with it. So yes, I'll stay. and I'll keep updating as much as I can. For the past 7 months I couldn't decide on whether I should delete this blog and stick to Wordpress which honestly feels very foreign to me. I'm sorry, but it really kinda sucks that I have to pay 30 dollars just so i can customize my wordpress blog.

So, the semester's over in 11 days. There have been nights when we didn't get to sleep at all. To keep awake we jumped around, and did some class. I'd say I've completely stopped drinking coffee for 2 months straight but then i remember having a cup 2 days ago when we had McD breakfast. dang.

Things are getting better. Holidays are coming soon. In January, Bang Wi, Ann, Siti and myself are going to Bangkok for vacation. We'll be backpacking mostly so it'll be awesome. :)

And the next couple of posts will begin with "I've decided". Because, this year's all about making decisions for me.